- Target:
- 2 day FM Management
- Region:
- Australia
2 Day FM Jocks Mel Greig and Michael Christian thought they hit the jackpot when a Prank call got through to the hospital where Kate Middleton was being treated and they spoke with Nurse Jacintha Saldanha, 46, a mother of two, pretending to be the Queen and Prince Charles.
However while the pair believed they managed something outstanding, Jacintha was found unconscious at a nurses' accommodation block near London's exclusive King Edward VII Hospital at 9:35 am (local time) on Friday. She unfortunately was unable to be revived.
We are still awaiting the release of the cause of her death, however, speculation is rife after the Prank, she was so humiliated she may have taken her own life.
I won't put the blame on the radio duo though, they were stupidly making a Prank Call and in their eyes got lucky, I am sure their followers were all laughing at the time. However, the humour of Prank Calls by Radio Hosts must be questioned as well as as the way it can affect some ones life is horrendous. It is in my view 2DAY FM Management that needs to be called to account as their Shock Jock have a poor reputation for making decisions and have made grossly bad decisions as to what they would do.
I am sure Nurse Jacintha Saldanha had other issues at the time but this poor nurse who must have felt humiliated beyond belief in the UK, realised how ridiculous the call was and how naive she was to believe such a , this is most probably the catalyst for her death be it by accident or other means.
However, as Chairman of beyondblue, Jeff Kennett said, there was nothing wrong with Mel Grieg and Michael Christian's 2DayFM prank and the radio hosts should be given support. Lifeline: 13 11 14.
We the undersigned would like to show Mel Grieg and Michael Christian our support and ask 2DayFM to reinstate them on proviso that no more Prank Calls are made.
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The Mel Greig and Michael Christian should be allowed on Air petition to 2 day FM Management was written by Kevin Hicks and is in the category Arts & Entertainment at GoPetition.