Maxxis Tires - Mountain Bike Riders

As many of us hardcore riders know and trust Maxxis High Roller models, one tire in particular is a highly regarded and desired (especially where I live in Hong Kong). It seems everyone is always running them and with good reasons.. they offer great traction, roll well, corner well being and tubeless are quite trouble free.

The particular tire in discussion is:
Maxxis High Roller 26 x 2.35 with:
Super Tacky 42a durometer compound
Silkworm Polyfiber Shielding
UST Compatible.

Other great tires which Maxxis produces are Minions.
2.35 Minions are only available in DH casings but not UST. If Maxxis were to produce 2.35 Minions in F & R versions in Super Tacky and UST that would also be great.

Furthmore Maxxis already makes the High Rollers and Minions in 2.5 versions which are UST and Super Tacky, all great tires and with the same Silkworm Polyfiber Shielding. These tires are great and hold up really well.

Many of us have used the LUST versions, but the compound is harder and the grip isn't as good, also the sidewall is a bit thinner, so flats are more common. Most of us prefer the Silkworm Polyfiber Shielding for reliability.

Recently we have not been able to obtain these tires and upon further research production seems to have stopped as nobody has got them.

Maxxis please help, many of us are in desperate needs of these tires.

We, the undersigned, call on Maxxis tires to reintroduce the tires as stated in this petition.

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The Maxxis Tires to continue production of Mountain Bike UST Super Tacky Tires petition to Maxxis Tires - Mountain Bike Riders was written by Andrew McNabb and is in the category Sports at GoPetition.