education system
United States of America

I am petitioning to try and change our public school system for the new generation. Our school system has failed overall in every way possible. The united states is the only country to have school shooting problems, we rank 19th out of 21 countries in some of our subjects and 1.2 million students drop out every year. The school system that we have today was designed 183 years ago by a man named Horace Mann and hasn’t changed very much since 1837. Students across the nation are screaming out for help from the stress and exhaustion of the public school system and nobody is willing to listen to us. I want to change the Public school system to be based on education and not exam scores.

The public school system should be more accepting of what students need for their job career then basic courses they think every kid needs. For example, as a student who wants to take on a career in engineering, instead of taking 4 years of history I could have taken 2 extra engineering classes. Another example is that a Lawyer doesn’t need to take 3 advanced sciences when he/she could have taken law classes. Along with not having to take unnecessary classes we should have the ability to take more classes catered toward real-life jobs instead of classes we don’t need for the real world.

Today's day and age are only focused on test scores and nothing else. In the real world nobody cares for test scores but what you can do for them. Our school system is not preparing us to survive in the real world. They don't teach us anything useful in school (in required courses), and if you do want them to teach you something useful towards your career you have to take it as an elective. The course for a specific career should be more important than any required class. Don't get me wrong the classes are important but as a highschool student it takes up a lot of time and effort I could be using on something I will use everyday in life than to just get a credit to graduate.

Please join me in this fight to change our school system for the next generation. Let's make school a place to gain knowledge, not test scores.

We the people want our school to be based on education and not test scores. If you agree please sign your name below and send the link to at least 2 people you know.

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The Make school educational not based on test scores petition to education system was written by grace pavlock and is in the category Education at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

school school system