eBay sellers and buyers
United States of America

Many eBay sellers report the theft and misuse of their intellectual property on eBay.

All eBay does is send you numerous cut and pasted emails to try and make you lose interest and in the mean-time the ongoing theft continues.

Allowing this to continue, eBay is aiding the sale of stolen goods. It seems eBay does not understand what a derivation of artworks means either.

We, the undersigned, call on eBay to protect the rights of ALL sellers and stop the misuse of sellers intellectual property when reported to them.

We ask that eBay starts listening to its' customers and rather than protect the thieves on eBay, they start to protect the copyrights of seller's intellectual property.

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The Make eBay act on IP breaches petition to eBay sellers and buyers was written by EDGE and is in the category Business at GoPetition.