Texas State University
United States of America

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, college students across America are facing unprecedented challenges and obstacles in obtaining their degrees. The quality of class delivery has decreased significantly since the pandemic hit. With technological glitches, displaced classrooms, poor WIFI connection, and the lack of hands-on-learning techniques (among other variables), is it fair that the students at Texas State University are forced to pay the same tuition rates when the standard of learning is now unsustainable? The fees that would normally accompany an in-person semester are uncalled for considering that students can't access or enjoy the usual accommodations that the University has to offer. Why are we paying so much to suffer?


We, the undersigned, call on Texas State University Administration and President Denise M. Trauth to cut the tuition rates for the current Fall and upcoming Spring semesters by 40-50% for all students, or until classes resume in person. This implies the reimbursement of billing statements for the Fall 2020 semester, excluding grants, scholarships, and any Federal Student Aid.

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The COVID-19 Lower Tuition Rates !!! (Fall 2020 & Spring 2021) petition to Texas State University was written by Taylor and is in the category Education at GoPetition.