- Target:
- Blizzard Entertainment
- Region:
Gamers over the last few years have had the enjoyment of raiding many of World of Warcrafts greatest villains.
Some of these Villains have become infamous and will always be remembered as enjoyable encounters.
Sadly Blizzards Hard work on these zones is often overlooked. I remember the months of clearing AQ40 and wiping on C'thun until he was fixed and then sitting back and thinking "This is such an awesome encounter".
Molten Core and Blackwing lair were wonderful introductory raid encounters. AQ40 sorted out the skilled from unskilled.
I hereby begin a petition to Blizzard for a heroic mode addition on the level 60 raids aimed at players of level 80.
These dungeons need not have a new tier of loot but could instead have a New reputation added which is linked across the 3 granting access to fun enchants and items (pets etc). And as badge rewards are making a comeback in WOTLK they could even have badge rewards 1000 badges for an ahqiraji battle tank pet/mount? just ideas here.
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The Level 60 raids with level 80 heroic mode petition to Blizzard Entertainment was written by Rhys Hughes and is in the category Gaming at GoPetition.