- Target:
- Richland County Council
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- www.salslocalseed.com
The Land Development Code is a set of regulations that govern land use and development in the unincorporated areas in Richland County.
IMPORTANT: There is NO Grandfathered in clause in the new zoning proposal.
Mrs, Terry always said, "If it ain't in writing, it didn't happen."
I have been told that this new zoning will allow for more housing developments and big business.
The new zoning also...
Does away with small farms that are a business. No farms under 33 acres can now be zoned as Agriculture.
All farm animals will now be "pets".
No roosters. No new farm animals can be brought in if you don't already have them. No agribusiness.
Under residential, there are regulations on how many buildings can be
on the property. It goes by square footage of your house.
Can you park your tractor trailer in your yard?
Have a ol' car you are fixing up?
Run your lawnmower business out of your house, grooming, hair?
There are a lot of questions to be asked.
This is said to help put in affordable houses and more Lowes and Home Depots but I can travel 5 miles in any direction and hit a Lowes and Home Depot.
Affordable housing in the form of $200,000 houses with no land. I don't think this will help us out and the roads and schools can not support the expansion.
Please email or call the council. Please sign and share this petition.
Let's keep Richland County's Rural Zoning. Let's support the businesses, homes, schools, and community that is here, instead of bringing in new big businesses and more subdivisions. Please sign and share. Thanks!
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The Let's Keep Richland County Rural - Let's keep our Rural Zoning petition to Richland County Council was written by Sallie Sharpe and is in the category Residential Disputes at GoPetition.