#Children's Rights
West Ashley High School and Charleston County School District
United States of America

Our Seniors have been offered a virtual graduation with the promise of a later graduation. There will be numerous seniors that will never have a graduation because of this. This is not ok. These seniors have worked so hard to have this huge milestone taken away from them. We have so many alternative ways around a virtual graduation that have been suggested and other schools in the state will be doing. .

. Please Stand with the WAHS Class of 2020! Help us to provide the graduation day that our kids have worked towards since kindergarten. We need your signature so that your voice is heard, we want our kids to walk the stage, be recognized and be celebrated for their accomplishments. A Virtual Graduation with a “empty” promise of a later celebration is UnAcceptable. There are numerous seniors that would be unable to attend a “later” graduation due to joining the military or leaving for other future education. Our children have worked hard for this and it should not be taken from them. There are schools in our state that are planning some sort of graduation for their seniors that is not virtual. It may be as simple as using the schools football field and only allowing two guest per student to attend. Don’t they deserve it? Please sign this petition and share it. Let CCSD and WAHS hear our voices.

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The Let WAHS 2020 Seniors Walk petition to West Ashley High School and Charleston County School District was written by Grace Grammer and is in the category Children's Rights at GoPetition.