- Target:
- Johannesburg
- Region:
- South Africa
- Website:
- www.facebook.com
By legalizing and decriminalizing marijuana usage on a personal level you would then allow the government step in and regulate its production and selling thereof. By the government regulating and taxing the sale of this product it would then generate income for the government thus impacting the economic system in a positive manner.
- By legalizing and decriminalizing marijuana usage on a personal level you would also then be decreasing on a national level the amount of expenses and expenditures by law enforcement agencies chasing people using marijuana. You would also be decreasing the amount of tax dollars spent on judicial criminal trials convicting people of possession and trafficking charges. You would also be decreasing the amount of tax payer dollars spent on housing people convicted of similar charges who are sharing cells with hardened criminals.
- The legalization and decriminalization will also impact other industries. Since legalizing it will almost assure usage will increase, due to non-users trying it for the first time since it is now legal, you will see increased demands in other industries as well. Since post-usage of marijuana leads to hunger and eating, this will impact it's respective industries such as , grocery stores, local stores, fast food chains, vending machine industries and more. Thus creating a more stable economic flow of supply and demand.
By legalizing and decriminalizing marijuana usage on a personal level you would then allow the government step in and regulate its production and selling thereof. By the government regulating and taxing the sale of this product it would then generate income for the government thus impacting the economic system in a positive manner.
- By legalizing and decriminalizing marijuana usage on a personal level you would also then be decreasing on a national level the amount of expenses and expenditures by law enforcement agencies chasing people using marijuana. You would also be decreasing the amount of tax dollars spent on judicial criminal trials convicting people of possession and trafficking charges. You would also be decreasing the amount of tax payer dollars spent on housing people convicted of similar charges who are sharing cells with hardened criminals.
- The legalization and decriminalization will also impact other industries. Since legalizing it will almost assure usage will increase, due to non-users trying it for the first time since it is now legal, you will see increased demands in other industries as well. Since post-usage of marijuana leads to hunger and eating, this will impact it's respective industries such as, grocery stores, local stores, fast food chains, vending machine industries and more. Thus creating a more stable economic flow of supply and demand.
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The Legalize Marijuanna (Ganja, Zol, etc.) in JHB petition to Johannesburg was written by Jason Visser and is in the category Local Government at GoPetition.