- Target:
- Singapore Government
- Region:
- Singapore
You want airsoft? Go to another country.
Airsoft is a sport that is fun and legal.
Although it can cause severe injuries, Singaporeans should be sensible - play with protective gear like vests. The new generation of Singapore is changing.
The fundamental difference in airsoft and normal shooting ranges is that we all want to have a weapon to call it our own and play against each other.
Hence it is pointless to go to a range, spend money to shoot targets and go home.
The Singapore Government should make protective gear a necessary equipment for airsoft. And airsoft matches should have referees to supervise and ensure no foul play.
I believe the Singapore government can allocate several places for airsoft.
It has to be spacious. Abandoned buildings need not be demolished, it can re-converted into an airsoft facility. Warehouses are a good place as they are far from the public, so as to prevent any accidents between players and the public.
All airsoft weapons would have a ORANGE BARREL TIP as some countries have done. The ORANGE TIP is to acknowledge authorities upon Customs that this is not a real weapon.
After clearing Customs, all weapons would have to be transported from the Customs to the armory under armed guard, so as to ensure the weapon was not tampered by the owner until delivery at the airsoft facility.
All items related to airsoft should be transferred this way. Owners should NOT be allowed to increase their firing velocity, but allowed to upgrade things like a laser scope or a better handgrip. They should order through either the Airsoft Facility staff or online purchasing. Custom officers can check the address of the item, to ensure the address is that of the airsoft facility and not their home address. They should also be allowed to confiscate any upgrades which will increase the firing velocity.
Owners should be allowed to take home the weapon WITHOUT some part of the firing mechanism or the plastic pellets.
All weapons will be checked for the removal of the firing mechanism before exiting and owners should be checked to confirm that they do not conceal it or pellets. The parts should be sealed and labelled with the owner's name, and safely secured at the airsoft facility lockers.
Foreigners who have their own rifles in their own countries would probably like to bring them over if they have to work in Singapore.
They should send their rifles to Singapore, and have it checked at the Singapore Customs. The firing velocity must be between a range of 100 FPS - 280 FPS, the usual for stock rifles. After clearing customs. Their weapons must be delivered to the designated airsoft facilities.
It has already been confirmed that airsoft rifles CANNOT be changed to a real firearm. Even if robbers try to use these airsoft weapons to rob banks, they would have to consider the high probability of getting shot and killed.
Since airsoft is quite popular in other countries, i believe many foreigners would consider coming to Singapore to try out the new airsoft facilities. Economically speaking, if Singapore managed to have superb facilities, it would most certainly be a place to visit for airsofters, hence it would benefit both Singaporeans and foreigners.
Banning things like chewing gum are ok. They cause trouble. But Airsoft does not, with strict rules and regulations, i don't see why airsoft should be banned in Singapore.
Please make airsoft legal.
I agree that airsoft should be legalized in Singapore, and age limits should be applied.
The Legalize Airsoft in Singapore petition to Singapore Government was written by Shawn Low and is in the category Government at GoPetition.