#Law & Order
Texas State Legislators
United States of America

Every year children die in parked cars and even more are injured after being left either intentionally or accidentally unsupervised in vehicles.

Passers by may assume that the parent will be right back, but that may not be the case. Children can die in as little as 30 minutes in a hot car, please help us prevent further tragic deaths.

If you
SEE a child alone in a car
SAY it; call 911 immediately
STAY with the child until help arrives.

We, the undersigned, call upon the Texas State Legislators to amend the child endangerment/welfare laws to the effect that any person observing an unattended or unsupervised child under the age of 7 in a vehicle is required to report the situation to local law enforcement and to remain with that child until law enforcement, fire department or EMS arrives or the parent or responsible party returns and the child is removed from the vehicle.

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The Kids in Cars: Call 911 and Wait petition to Texas State Legislators was written by Lisa Miller and is in the category Law & Order at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

Daniel's Law