All schools
United States of America

As stated by Peggy Arman, “With uniforms, students and teachers are more prone to make a judgement on someone’s demeanor rather their ability to afford trendy clothing.”
The National Center for Education Statistics states that of 2018, “21% of elementary schools, 20% of middle schools, and only 12% of high schools in the United States have a uniform policy in place.”
2. Improving discipline, enhancing uniform policies level the playing field for all students and minimizes chances of bullying based on socio-economic status. Students who can’t afford the latest fashion trends would not have to struggle to fit in. St. Catherine of Siena Academy states, “uniforms display a commitment to learning and provide an atmosphere of respect and equality for the students.”
3. Enhancing the learning environment, When all the students are in the same uniform, they will be able to focus on their studies instead of wondering if they fit in. No student will be concerned with how their clothes look. Eliminates the need for competition. Very little distraction. “Uniforms promote a sense of belonging and school pride. There’s a camaraderie that develops when students feel they are part of a larger group.”

"We, the students of today's society, call on all schools, public and private, in the U.S. to promote school uniforms."

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The Keeping School Uniforms petition to All schools was written by Sarah Stammen and is in the category Education at GoPetition.