- Target:
- New York State Parole Board
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This petition is now closed
Keep the remorseless murderer Robert Golub behind bars!
The Tinyes family is once again facing the vicious murderer Robert Golub at another parole hearing. This hearing isn’t for some innocuous petty criminal but rather a cold blooded ruthless killer. As time draws on, the odds for a successful parole hearing increase in Golub’s favor. Robert Golub is not just a murderer, but rather a child murderer and sexual psychopath. Golub lives in a sociopathic, alternative reality where he’s totally exonerated himself from the murder by saying it was accidental. The following facts explain how Kelly’s death was purposeful, savage, ferocious and premeditated. Robert Golub should remain in prison for the rest of his life and never be allowed to roam freely amongst our children ever again.
Kelly Tinyes was a 13 year old girl who never even had a chance to live her best years. As she babysat her younger brother on a cool March afternoon in 1989, the phone rang with her 8 year old younger brother Richard answering. The call came from the Golub home. Kelly hurriedly went over to the Golub home, only three houses away, telling Richard she would return shortly. Kelly Tinyes would never be seen alive again. Instead, her life would be prematurely cut short by one of the most savage of murders that became known nationwide. Robert Golub unmercifully beat Kelly, tortured, bit and strangled her and even proceeded to sexually mutilate her body after she was killed. As Kelly’s parents and neighbors frantically searched for her, Robert Golub was stuffing her body into a sleeping bag and hiding it behind the stairs in his parents basement. Her body was found the next day by detectives searching the home.
In the proceeding trial, Robert Golub was convicted by DNA evidence found on Kelly’s body. Experts ascertained that the odds of someone having the same blood as Robert Golub was 1 in 100 million. Golub even admits to killing Kelly but somehow absolves himself from his own crimes by determining that it was somehow accidental. Kelly Tinyes was lured to her death, by someone bigger, stronger and someone who was wickedly sadistic and sinister. Her manor of death was not accidental and was every bit as purposeful as the phone call meant to lure her from her home. Robert Golub harbors an indescribable evil that exists to this very day. He still maintains his innocence in the face of insurmountable evidence, from witness testimony, expert testimony, DNA evidence and even his own statements. His excuses have become more outlandish and ridiculous as time has drawn on.
Robert Golub must remain in prison forever. Golub bears the hallmarks of a murderer who can readily kill again. He is the quintessential child killer, with no difference between himself and other infamous child murderers like Ted Bundy or Richard Allen Davis. Even after a quarter century in prison, Golub continues to be unreformed and defiant as ever. He depicts himself as the victim by declaring himself “tragedy number 2.” Golub remains devoid of any emotion and is unrepentant. Paroling Robert Golub means putting children directly in danger. The parole board is the only chance our society has in protecting our children from predators like Golub. Kelly Tinyes is gone forever, she will never have had her first boyfriend, attended her prom nor graduated high school, she will never know the feeling of the getting married and creating a family of her own. She will have missed her entire life and it’s most precious moments. Instead, the long shadow of Golub remains and her family continues to feel unbridled heartbreak and a void in their hearts which will never be filled, even 30 years later the scars of her murder have not even begun to mend. Their grief will never fade and Golub’s parole hearing is just another cruel reminder that he has a second chance but Kelly does not. For the good of society he cannot go free. Help keep this savage murderer behind bars. Robert Golub is exactly where he belongs. Paroling him means risking society’s children and that risk is too great .
We, the undersigned, call on the New York State Parole Board to deny the parole request of Robert Golub 90A8024.
The Keep the remorseless murderer Robert Golub behind bars petition to New York State Parole Board was written by Richard Tinyes and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.