United States Congress
United States of America

American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) places plastic surgery procedures into two categories: Reconstructive and Cosmetic. Reconstructive is defined as surgery performed on abnormal structures caused by congenital defects, developmental abnormalities, trauma, infection, tumors, or disease with the purpose to improve function or to give a normal appearance. Cosmetic surgery is the reshaping of normal structures on the body to improve the self-esteem or appearance of a patient. The problem is that not all surgeries are that simple and there are some grey areas with these definitions such as the interpretation of the word ‘normal’ for each person. If a country wants to ban plastic surgery for cosmetics, many people deserving would not receive help.

The United States needs to allow and continue to perform plastic surgery for cosmetics. Other countries that have placed a ban on plastic surgeries and we have seen the consequences. Plastic Surgeries have flourished on the Black Market and patients have paid extremely high prices and have suffered from infection and even death from faulty procedures. Banning these surgeries are not the answer. Sign the petition and join us to help keep these surgeries available.

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The Keep Plastic Surgery in the United States petition to United States Congress was written by Maddy Cahlamer and is in the category Health at GoPetition.