- Target:
- City Council of City of New York
- Region:
- United States of America
Thanks to all that signed this petition. Obviously, there are SOME of us out there that are not happy with the way Mayor Bloomberg has manipulated the law via the City Council members, to get himself an extension to run for a third term, regardless of the fact that NYC voters TWICE voted for term limits.
Though we did not achieve the goal of this petition, which was to stop the City Council from overturning term limits, I hope that our message did get through.
In November of 2009, remember what this Mayor has done, with the cooperation of the City Council members that voted to extend term limits AGAINST the law and the will of the people. And, VOTE the rascals OUT! I like to think that we STILL have a chance for a democracy in this city.....
I have started a NEW petition urging the Mayor to NOT run for a third term. The link is: http://www.gopetition.com/online/22839.html. We have until November 2009 to persuade the Mayor to change his mind, and let him know that we do NOT want him to run for a third term. The more of us that let him know how we feel, the better.... Tell,your family, friends, neighbors, and community organizations about this petition, and urge them to SIGN, if they feel the way that we do. This petition is to be e mailed DIRECTLY to the Office of the Mayor.
Once again, thanks for your support on this issue.
The present Mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, is seeking to persuade the New York City Council to amend term limits for the Office of Mayor so that he may seek a third term as Mayor. The Council has the legal power to do so.
However, twice, voters have voted against extending term limits for this Office. It is clear that the voters are against extending term limits for this Mayor, or any Mayor, without another public vote on this issue.
By not putting this issue on the public referendum, we voters are excluded from the process of deciding whether or not we want to extend term limits for this Office.
Dear New York City Council members:
We, the undersigned, urge members of the Council to vote AGAINST extending the term limits for the Office of the Mayor of the City of New York. This is an issue that should be decided by the voters by public referendum.
Twice, voters have decided AGAINST extending term limits for this office. It would seem apparent that the voices of the people of the City of New York have spoken, loudly and clearly, that we are AGAINST extending the services of any Mayor beyond two terms.
We urge you to consider these two prior decisions made by the people of the City of New York, and to either let the two term limits stand, or put the vote on extending term limits up for public referendum.
The Keep Office of Mayor of NYC Restricted to TWO Terms petition to City Council of City of New York was written by FreeWoman55 and is in the category Government at GoPetition.