- Target:
- Joe Custer USACE - Joe.Custer@usace.army.mil
- Region:
- United States of America
As it stands, the three islands of Lake Texoma (Wood, Treasure, North) are free to use year round.
The three islands are well known for activities there and age related fun.
Wood Island - Fun for all ages, Family friendly
Treasure Island - Fun for all ages, Family friendly
North Island (aka Party Island) - Adult ages
North Island is a place where adults can go anytime of the year and not be censored down to a family environment. Wood and Treasure are already family friendly.
Adding a private commercial aspect to control that island would change all of that, and not in a good way. People go to North Island to be free and have fun. Not to be controlled.
Another factor is the fact that egrets and other migratory birds use North Island as a nesting site. And the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 grants full protection to any bird parts including feathers, eggs and nests. We do not need a private company out there messing with the wild life that uses that island freely as well.
North Island also floods, where only the tree tops remain. Wood and Treasure are well above the water line during high water levels.
We, the lake loving community, ask Joe Custer of USACE to leave North Island alone and leave it free for the people. It works great as is.
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The Keep North Island Free petition to Joe Custer USACE - Joe.Custer@usace.army.mil was written by Save Texoma Beaches and is in the category City & Town Planning at GoPetition.