- Target:
- UNCHR Ms Michelle Bachelet
- Region:
- South Africa
- Website:
- www.kashmirglobalmovement.com
Human rights violations situation in Kashmir is deteriorating quite considerably with students and young people finding themselves in the line of fire, since the Pulwana incident on 14th February 2019. The death and injury rate is increasing rapidly with damning headlines all over the world. The petitioner request for protection of civil rights of the people of Kashmir. To that end, we summaries their case for an opening of a formal inquest on OHCHR report.https://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Countries/IN/DevelopmentsInKashmirJune2016ToApril2018.pdf
Over 100,000 people have been killed, thousands are languishing in Indian jails without trial, women have been raped as a weapon of war and total suspension of civil and political liberties for the last 72 years. Amnesty International and Human Right Watch report on India 2018 .https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/asia-and-the-pacific/india/report-india/
There is no Freedom of Speech, no Freedom of expression and Freedom of movement. Indian occupied Kashmir remain in martial law and perpetual curfew have had made Kashmiris common people live abnormal and like living like in jail.
Kashmir had been under Indian illegal occupation since 1947. UNSC had issued resolution 47 in 1948 and instructed Indian to call for a free and fair plebiscite but India has since denied the referendum and people of Kashmir are a fight for their right of self-determination since 1948. We are requesting all peace-loving and civilised people fo the world to sign this petition and help people of Kashmir by getting an end to an ongoing 72 years old .
Hon. Michelle Bachelet Jeria.
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
Palais Wilson , 52 rue des Pâquis
CH-1201 Geneva, Switzerland.
Date: 14th April 2019.
An Urgent Request for a UNSC Debate on OHCHR’s report of 14th June 2018 on Human Rights violation in Indian Occupied Kashmir.
I, write to you with grave concern as the human rights violations situation in Kashmir is deteriorating quite considerably with students and young people finding themselves in the line of fire, since the Pulwana incident on 14th February 2019. The death and injury rate is increasing rapidly with damning headlines all over the world. The petitioner request for protection of civil rights of the people of Kashmir. To that end, we summaries their case for an opening of a formal inquest on OHCHR report.
This has been evidenced by multiple human rights reports conducted over the years by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and Physicians For Human Rights. These findings of gross human rights violation was further strengthened by OHCHR forty nine pages report on Human Rights violation in Kashmir which was published on 14th June 2018. https://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Countries/IN/DevelopmentsInKashmirJune2016ToApril2018.pdf.
We further remind you that India is in direct contravention of the following international and convents and treaties,
ICCPR International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 16 Dec 1966
ICESCR International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 16 Dec 1966
CEDAW Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
CESCR Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
VDPA Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action (World Conference on Human Rights, 1993
CEFRD Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD, 21 December, 1965)
DRC Declaration of the Rights of the Child 1923
DRIP Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UN, 2007)
UDHR Universal Declaration on Human Rights.
For all these reasons, the people of Kashmir would like the tyranny to end, enabling them to live and build their future in a peaceful environment. India has so far subjected Indian Occupied Kashmir to repeated arrests under the Public Safety Act and frequent internet shutdowns. Opposition parties are held under arrest and the public feel unable to express their wishes politically or through public means. The Indian Government recently, and without Parliamentary debate, unilaterally denied a request from the United Nations Human Rights Commission to investigate human rights violations in Kashmir. This shows the India impunity to continue to sustained physical and mental trauma on people of Kashmir.
I, seeks your offices urgent intervention by initiating debate on the OHCHR report of 14th June 2018 of Human Rights violations in Indian occupied Kashmir and send a fact-finding mission to Indian occupied Kashmir urgently and put an end to this atrocities for last 72 years, so the suspended civil and political liberties along with freedom of expression, freedom of association and freedom of movement can be restored and 72 years of Indian imposed martial law can come to an end.
I thank you in advance for your kind cooperation.
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The Kashmir Human Rights Violation & UNCHR intervention petition to UNCHR Ms Michelle Bachelet was written by Salman Khan and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.