- Target:
- Ministry of Justice-Turkey
- Region:
- Turkey
Yakup Kose was a 14 year old school boy. One day, after leaving school he attended a local protest , and there he imitated the signs the protestors were making. Following this Yakup was arrested, sentenced to death and was accused of being a member of an illegal organization, which he had never heard of before going to prison. He spent 10 years in a prison with adult inmates, he was tortured physically and mentally.
While Yakup was in prison, in 2000 the Turkish State organized a brutal operation called ' Noel Baba' (Santa Clause) and Yakup was badly injured and was transferred to another prison. After spending 10 years in prison Yakup was released and another trial was opened against him demanding that, on a large scale, weapons were found in the F-Type cell Yakup was transferred to.
The Turkish Supreme Court of Appeals decided to imprison Yakup Kose for an addition of 7 Years and 10 months on the 25th of December 2013 for the crime which he never committed and there is no evidence to support their accusation.
The Supreme Court had made a similar decision a few months ago against Sociologist Pinar Selek, where they had no evidence to prove her guilty.
Please sign our petition and help us pressure the Turkish Government to stop the false accusations made frequently against innocent people like Yakup Kose and Pinar Selek.
Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Adalet Bakanligi'na: Yargitay 9. Daire Baskanliginin 25 Aralik 2013 tarihinde Yakup Kose hakkinda islemedigi bir suctan dolayi verdigi 7 yil ve 10 ay hapis cezasinin bir an once kaldirilmasini, bu asilsiz ve dayaniksiz cezanin zaten 14 yasinda hapse girip 24 yasinda hapisten cikan Yakup Kose'nin hayatindan cok daha fazlasini calacagini ve bu kaybin ilerde telafisinin mumkun olmadigini bildirir, gereginin yapilmasini arz ederim.
To the Turkish Ministry of Justice: The 9th Supreme Court of Turkey has made an unjust decision to imprison Yakup Kose for another 7 years and 10 months for a crime he hasn't committed. I demand the Turkish Ministry of Justice correct this decision. I would like to highlight the fact that Yakup Kose has already spent his childhood behind bars, and if the decision to imprison him for another 7 years and 10 months were to be accepted, they will never be able to atone for Yakup's losses.
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The Justice for Yakup Kose petition to Ministry of Justice-Turkey was written by Selda Aksoy and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.