- Target:
- teardropsforkatelynn@hotmail.com
- Region:
- United States of America
Indiana's Shame Teardrops for Katelynn
Sugar and spice and everything nice.
This is suppose to be every little girls life.
What happens when life is not like that?
What if the people who are suppose to protect you fill your life with constant abuse?
For little Katelynn of Indiana, her life is filled with this from a father, stepmother and father's family; everyone but her the relatives that love her have been denied the ability to see her.
Note : this DOES NOT include 500+ additional pages of evidence
* Separate from abuser after assault by abuser.
* Little daughter returned by abuser hurt sees family doctor.
* Abuser assaults me and kids while trying to abducted little daughter.
* Police statements taken.
* Arrest warranted issued for abuser and protection order put in place. Other court Excludes little daughter from protection order.
* Abuser arrested outstanding bench warrant found in next county abuser extradited.
* Mninster of abusers church bails him out.
* File for divorce and temporary custody granted to me and restraining order placed Against abuser little daughter excluded from restraining order.
* Request Guardian Ad Litem for little daughter.
* Ad litem submits report recommends abuser vistis every weekend. Judge grants
* Temporary Order issued
* Letter from Domestic violence counselor abuser refuses contact via phone or in Person. Court does nothing.
* Little daughter crying of owie in butt from girlfriends son.
* Little daughter seen by family physician, refers to sexual abuse hospital.
* Little daughter is seen at sexual abuse hospital.
* Little daughter returned crying abuser's girlfriend slapped in face, spanked repeadly for pottying in pants and is jerked out of bed. Little daughter seeing child psychololgist
* Little daughter returned crying is hurt when abuser and girlfriend involve little daughter in domestic violence fight. Abuser and girlfriend separate.
* Little daughter returned home sick, it is winter little daughter has no outerwear abuser and parents kept. Abuser's parents refusing to return.
* Little daughter crying abuser takes little daughter to abuser's parents house calls mother dirty names, new girlfriend plays spanking game with little daughter ,new girlfriend accuses brother of spying.
* Little daughter crying Abuser's new girlfriend threatens little daughter not to go near mother, drags little daughter is dragged by shoulder blade across 5
* Sitting in chairs, forced to pray on knees for being bad, threatened mother if refusal and beatings.
* Little daughter crying returned by abuser , abuser and girlfriend threatens to beat her for being bad since they can't force her to pray.
* Court threatens to give little daughter to abuser if little daughter doesn't go on visits.
* Little daughter threatened to be struck repeatedly by abuser if she doesn't tell Abuser what little daughter told mother.
* I speaks to child protection services about concerns. child protection services speak Children. Says he can't help.
* Abuser remarries at wedding little daughter is burned with curling iron on forarm. burn is blistering, seeping fluid and about an inch and 1/2 long. And her underwear is removed.
*Abuser returns little daughter with brusing on upper arm and forarm brother sees.
* I speak to town police they refuse to get involved. Town police send me to adjoining town.
* Police statements taken and child protective services open investigation.
* Within week after child protection service talks to abuser on phone only
* Investigation dropped by child protection services.
* Child protection worker visits my home.
* Family doctor makes report to child protection agency against abuser after doctor Visit reguarding abuser.
* Legal services mails letter stating no funds to help.
* Little daughter agitated and crying . There is redmark from kneecap to ankle. Little daughter talks about wife rubbing her butt ?feels like sawing in half?
booby traps, her book of wrongs, taken to another county where wife beats her, chemicals sprayed in her eyes and more.
*Report again to child protection services. Little daughter tells worker herself.
* Child protection services refuises to help, says they can't get invovled since it civil matter.
*Go to domestic violences shelter. Advocate advises child psychologist, and keep journal.
* Little daughter starts therapy with domestic violence recommended.
* Little daughter returned crying brother no longer welcome for tell child protection Service worker about abuse.
*Legal services mails letter stating no funds to help.
* Little daughter agitated and crying . There is redmark from kneecap to ankle. Little daughter talks about wife rubbing her butt feels like sawing in half? booby traps, her book of wrongs, taken to another county where wife beats her, chemicals sprayed in her eyes and more.
* Report again to child protection services. Little daughter tells worker herself. Child protection services refuses to help.
* Go to domestic violences shelter. Advocate advises child psychologist, and keep journal.
* Little daughter starts therapy with child psychologist referred by domestic violence safe house recommends.
* Little daughter returned crying brother no longer welcome for tell child protection Service worker about abuse.
* Little daughter returned crying says she is so hungry.
* After abuser refuses to bring little daughter home, speak to town police. Town police refuse to get invovled.
* Little daughter suicidal over book of wrongs wants to die. Little daughter says she cannot fix all her wrongs little daughter is tired.
* Abuser's wife tries to run me and children off road. I flee with children to safe house.
* Court places Protection order against abuser's wife on behalf of me and little daughter. Ad litem compels visit on contingency abuser promises to keep wife not around little daughter. This is not complied with. ad litem doesn't believe.
*Little daughter's Phsychologist goes to child Protection Services with me to demand casa for little daughter since part of abuse happened in nearby county.
*Child Protection Agency refuses casa worker for little daughter and refuses to investigate.
* Little daughter referred to new woman counselor.
* New counselor files initial assessment . Summary notes little daughter suicudial , intensive fear of abuser and adjustment disorder stemming from abuse.
Counselar places little daughter on suicide watch while in safe house.
* While in safe house ad litem compells me to turn little daughter over to abuser. Abuser now knows location of safehouse.
* Abuser promptly forces little daughter to divulge location of safe house, threatens little daughter with violence, call mother names to little daughter, picks fingernail polish off little daughters fingers with abusers fingernails, abuser tells little daughter again child protection agency on his side.
* Safe house counselor promptly issues safe phone to me they are concerned for our safety.
* Safe house child advocate files statement of little daughter telling advocate of abuse.
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The JUSTICE FOR KATELYNN petition to teardropsforkatelynn@hotmail.com was written by Indianashame TeardropsForKatelynn and is in the category Children's Rights at GoPetition.