Greek authorities
United Kingdom

On July the 20th 2008 our son Matthew went off excitedly on holiday to the resort Laganas on the Greek island of Zante. He travelled with 4 friends and two of their parents. We were worried because it was his first holiday without us but never did we think he wouldn't come home to us.

In the early hours of the 21st of July the first night of his holiday Matthew died on the pavement in front of the cocktails and dreams club in Laganas. It was speculated upon that he had died through excessive alcohol intake, but this has been proved not to be the case.

A UK Coroners inquest held on the 27th of May 2009 found that Matthew had been unlawfully killed. In an unprovoked attack whilst he was sitting at the bar (having become separated from his friends) he was seized by the door staff and dragged outside and thrown down a steep flight of metal stairs as a result of which he sustained head injuries. Not content with this the bouncers then picked him up from the bottom of the stairs and dropped him onto the marble pavement by the side of the club, a bouncer at this time was also seen to punch him, Matthew died a short time later due to the head injuries he had sustained.

For further information please go to www.justice4matthew.com or www.facebook.com and join our group justice for Matthew David Cryer

This incident has never been treated as anything more than an accident in Greece. We want a full investigation in Greece with those responsible brought to justice.

Please help us to stop this happening to anyone else. We have learnt that even after KILLING Matthew the bouncers at Cocktails and Dreams continued to throw people down the steep metal steps, OUR SON'S DEATH MEANT NOTHING TO THEM, THEY MUST BE STOPPED AND PUNISHED.

Please Sign this petition and help us get justice for Matthew.

I support the family of Matthew David Cryer in their quest to have a full and thorough investigation into their son's death carried out in Greece with those responsible brought to trial.

Please join us at the Greek Embassy on the 8th August to hand in our petition. Transport will be provided at minimal cost from Sheffield and Lazenby, other areas can be organised if enough people comit to attending
Please contact jo_ian_froud@talktalk.net for more details.

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The Justice 4 Matthew Cryer petition to Greek authorities was written by justice4matthew and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.