#Neighborhood Living
Residents effected by the proposed London Road parking restrictions
United Kingdom

We appreciate it would be sensible to introduce some single and double yellow lines in specific places where it is known parked cars cause obstructions to pedestrians and other road users.

However we catergorically oppose the blanket "Pay to Park" scheme proposed by the council; be it by purchasing a permit £106 for residents,£2 per day for visitors, £162 for businesses, or Pay & Display.

We urge the Council to scrap this scheme now before wasting more public money. Street parking is a benefit for residents and should not be seen as a revenue earner for the Council. This is particularly relevant at this time when people are struggling financially in this current economic climate.

When signing the petition please list the name of your street so the Council cannot argue the signatorys are not residents in the effected area.

We the undersigned oppose Brighton & Hove City Council's proposed parking restrictions as outlined in its document " London Road Residents Parking Scheme Public consultation".

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The Just Say No Brighton petition to Residents effected by the proposed London Road parking restrictions was written by jason parks and is in the category Neighborhood Living at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

Just Say No Brighton