- Target:
- United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conferences
- Region:
- Website:
- www.itsonehumanity.org
Ensuring environmental sustainability is now a crucial issue on the global political agenda. Part of what makes it so important is the fact that climate change is truly a global issue, we now understand that everyone will be affected by climate change.
Yet, when countries came together in Copenhagen in late 2009 to determine what they were going to do post-Kyoto Protocol (after 2012), they failed to cooperate and work together to ensure environmental sustainability for all, and thus, no proper deal came out of the COP15 conference. Nation states failed to achieve a deal that is ambitious, fair, and legally-binding to ensure a future for humanity as a whole.
Our next take towards a global climate deal will be COP16, which is to take place in December 2010 in Cancun, Mexico.
This time, ItsOneHumanity aims to send a resounding message to the world leaders who will participate in the negotiations of COP16 and to those to follow under the UNFCCC process.
We want to raise voices of world citizens in order to remind world leaders that we are all in this together... that there is only one planet and only one humanity. We want them to approach the negotiation table thinking not “what I am going to lose in this, how should I protect my national interests?” but rather “how can I cooperate and fulfill my global responsibilities as a nation state?”
In order to do that, we need your help. Go and sign the petition and share it as much as you can so that we can have the greatest impact. Become an ambassador for humanity and spark a revolution! Remind the world that we have to act now.
... Because it’s one humanity.
In the name of this one great family to which I belong, Humanity, I demand that world leaders come together at the UNFCCC conferences and successfully achieve, without further delay, an ambitious, fair and legally-binding global climate deal in order to ensure a sustainable future for us all.
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The ItsOneHumanity - Climate Justice at UNFCCC petition to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conferences was written by ItsOneHumanity and is in the category International Affairs at GoPetition.