Iranians Condemn Crimes Committed by Bashar al-Assad against Syrian People

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- Syrian People
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Iranians Condemn Bashar al-Assad and Islamic Republic of Iran’s Crimes Committed against the Freedom Fighters of Syria!
To Brave Freedom Fighters of Syria,
• We, the Iranian people, condemn crimes committed against the brave people of Syria in the strongest terms.
• We condemn Assad's security forces’ bloody crackdown against protesters.
• We condemn the violent, oppressive practices of the Syrian regime against the protesters and mourn the martyrs of the uprising.
• We condemn the systematic violation of human rights, including the killings, arbitrary detentions, disappearances, and torture of peaceful demonstrators, human rights defenders and journalists by the Syrian and the Iranian regimes.
• We condemn China, Russia and India that are preventing the approval of a U.N. Security Council condemnation of Syria. We condemn Arab nations silence on the Syrian dictator.
• We condemn President Obama's silence.
The brutality of regime’s assaults shows that criminal dictators in Iran and Syria are not willing to listen to the people's demand for freedom. The killing of civilians who are asking for freedom and democracy is indefensible.
We, the Iranian people, are as much victims of crimes committed against us by the Islamic Republic, Assad and Hezbollah’s thugs during our June 2009 pro-democracy uprising, as you are the victims of crimes being committed against you by Islamic Republic of Iran’s IRGC and Basiji murderers who are targeting brave Syrians disguised as civilians and soldiers.
Bashar al-Asad, much like criminal mullahs in Iran and his father before him, has revealed his true colors. Bashar al-Assad and the Islamic non-Republic in Iran have committed so much evil and are major supporters of Hezbollah terrorists with a lot of innocent blood on their hands.
Much like Khamenei, Bashar al-Assad and his family are the enemies of the people of Iran and Syria and major sponsors of terror around the world.
Unfortunately and once again, the world community and the United Nations have remained silent as brave Syrians are being brutally shot and killed by Islamic Republic and Syrian regimes’ thugs.
As your beautiful Arabic song goes:
You have chosen your home [Syria], with love and voluntary
You have chosen your home [Syria] secretly and overtly
You have chosen your home [Syria] and do not care if time will deny that
As long as your home [Syria] will remember you, Always!
You still have a lively heart even though your eyes look very sad
You still have a revolutionary heart even your day comes to its end.
We stand with you, admire your courage and bravery and support your cause and your struggle for freedom. Regardless of the outcome, you have restored honor and pride over your nation and redeemed yourselves after the bloody Hama massacre committed against you by Hafez al-Assad.
Long Live Iran! Long Live Syria! Down with the Dictators in Syria and Iran!
Arash Irandoost, Founder-Pro-Democracy Movement of Iran
The Undersigned!
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The Iranians Condemn Crimes Committed by Bashar al-Assad against Syrian People petition to Syrian People was written by ArashIrandoost and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.