- Target:
- World Health Organisation
- Region:
- Website:
- www.thincs.org
This petition is now closed. Thank you for all the work people put in to sign it and give their own feedback. The petition was sent to the WHO and the European medicines regulation bodies. The petition indicated that statin preparations are likely to harm people if no adjunctive CoQ10 is given. Statins weaken muscles and the heart is a muscle and clinicians should consider what they are trying to achieve with statins. The total quality of ly years available after statin therapies is likely to amount to no more than around 3 weeks additional to a person's life. This begs the questions that statins are not a panacea and taking something for many years with very significant risks of irreversible and debilitating unwanted effects, need to be considered carefully by the patient and their families, before letting a clinician tell you what to do and how to live.
Statin therapies are prescribed to people around the globe. Evidence has emerged that statins can be hazardous to health. The prime rationale for their use is the notion that raised cholesterol is harmful. Much evidence suggests that a low serum cholesterol is associated with depression, suicide, muscle damage, memory loss, serious progressive neurological disorders and general ill-health.
The first report created from the accounts of petition signatories has now been completed. It was sent to various global authorities with a brief for drug safety and pharmacovigilance and to each person who signed the petition.
The report was written for a mixed audience of medical and non-medical people. It is 23 pages long and in PDF format. The World Health Organisation has received a copy of the report which was also published by the Journal of Independent Medical Research at the following URL:
The URL following this section is for clinicians and it details a letter to Therapeutics Initiative. The conclusions are clear:
• Systematic reviews and meta-analyses are challenging
and require much more than locating RCTs and
plugging in the numbers.
• The claimed mortality benefit of statins for primary
prevention is more likely a measure of bias than a real
• The reduction in major CHD serious adverse events
with statins as compared to placebo is not reflected in a
reduction in total serious adverse events.
• Statins do not have a proven net health benefit in
primary prevention populations and thus when used in
that setting do not represent good use of scarce health
care resources.
You may add a 500 word comment in support of your signature. You are encouraged to use that space to tell the WHO and various drug safety agencies around the world, exactly what has happened to you.
Please be assured that any information which you supply will never be misused. All data extracted from this petition will be presented in an anonymous form.
The petition must be presented with signatures that are unique and in that case your name will be known but you do not have to supply any other details if you wish them to remain private. If you choose to write a comment, please consider listing the statin name, dosage and the duration of treatment. It would be helpful to know if you are male or female and your age and if you are still taking a statin.
Please list the symptoms that have caused you to suffer and try to make an assessment of your quality of life (QOL) on a scale of 1 to 100. All of the information will help to produce a greater impact when the information is analysed.
Finally, please tell other people whom you know, who are being treated for high cholesterol. Thank you for your signature and your time. Where you are having difficulty in convincing your personal medical practitioner that statins are causing you problems, please feel free to make a copy of the report and give it to your medical practitioner.
Thank you. Jeff Cable
We, the undersigned, call on the World Health Organisation to initiate a full and impartial, global investigation into the damage caused by therapeutic doses of all available statins, for the treatment of all forms of hypercholesterolaemia. There are far too many casualties of statin therapy for them all to be statistically insignificant.
We further call for the investigation to be free from pharmaceutical company sponsorship, to avoid the risk of taint.
The Investigate Statins petition to World Health Organisation was written by Jeff Cable and is in the category Health at GoPetition.