- Target:
- FAIMER,WHO,NHS -UK,GMC Britain,medical councils of the world
- Region:
- United States of America
British Medical Journal last year, highlighted the deplorable situation of most private medical colleges in india as medical teachers are MSc people with very poor medical education standards. most of indias 187 medical colleges do not have proper or adequate infrastructure, qualified MD staff, or facilities, while at the same time charged heavy capitation. most of the professors, associate professors and lecturers shown by the colleges worked on part-time basis -as if medical study is done by distance education.
The report also depicted a shortage in skilled non-teaching staff, such as essential laboratory support staff This was coupled with a deficient physical infrastructure and shortage of equipment in almost all the colleges and sharing or instruments between medical colleges as in medical colleges at chennai. Most obvious deficiencies were in the number of beds available for teaching and in clinical materials.
Many colleges flouted the norms of recognition set up by the Medical Council of India (MCI) that has always reiterated staff shortages to be not more than 5 per cent. However, it is worth noting that these same colleges were recognised yearly by the MCI and ministry of health.
Our medical system needs an overhauling, where the objective should be of imparting strict training modules to MBBS doctors that enable them to confidently undertake unsupervised practice post-registration.
It is important to understand that an MBBS degree should not be a mere stepping-stone to specialisation. Currently in the western countries the domain of specialised medicine is being scaled down because of cost factors.
Family medicine in many countries is the 'in thing' where a cost-effective treatment module creates a better doctor-patient bond and compliance.
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The Introduce properly qualified MD medical teachers in Indian medical colleges petition to FAIMER,WHO,NHS -UK,GMC Britain,medical councils of the world was written by dr kalpana and is in the category Education at GoPetition.