#Media Issues

Instagram are banning ‘likes’ to help with people’s mental health which is the most amazing idea ever however they’re only testing It in 7 countries at the moment and could take years to put in to place however it’s not guaranteed that they will go ahead with this indefinitely.

‘social media celebs’ are kicking off saying no one asked for this ?!

They would say this because they do not pay attention to their family or friends they pay attention only to how many views, likes or comments they get.

Building a brand should not be on likes or fans, it should be on quality and determination to succeed.

Too many people compare themselves to ‘celebrity’ accounts or even just simply people they know, because they get ‘more likes’ on posts leaves us thinking why are they doing well and I’m not ? What’s wrong with me ?

Nothing is wrong with you it’s all fake social media, but instagram an change this by turning of the likes feature for posts.

We call on instagram to eliminate the likes feature on socials to aid the recovery of mental health.

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The Instagram to ban likes petition to Instagram was written by Sophia Essél and is in the category Media Issues at GoPetition.