Minister of Federal Education and Professional Training


With growing political instability and inflation all over the world, the new generation may struggle with finding ways to make ends meet. To prepare them for all eventualities, we must teach them how to be enterprising in their formative years. We must nurture traits that create a well-rounded, well-educated, innovative and enterprising generation. We need to allow them to think outside the box and move away from the culture of rote memorization in school. The inclusion of entrepreneurial education is vital, as it teaches students crucial life skills, such as:
• How to collaborate and work with a team.
• How to speak in public.
• How to collect and analyze data.
• How to use social media as an advocacy tool.
• How to solve real, complex problems.
• How to use creativity to find an innovative approach to difficult problems.
• Develop business proposals and plans.
• Deliver multiple pitch presentations.
Unless our curriculum is tailored to meet internationally accepted benchmarks. The future workforce of Pakistan will lag behind, as will our economy.

We call on the Minister of Federal Education and Professional Training to make entrepreneurship a key part of Secondary and Tertiary education. We can achieve that by:
• Introducing case-study method of instruction.
• Projects’ assessment instead of standardized testing.
• Awards for innovative projects.
• Collaborations with International educators.

Please join us and become a voice for ‘make entrepreneurship a part of school education’. Sign and share to show your support.

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The INCLUDE ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN SCHOOL CURRICULM petition to Minister of Federal Education and Professional Training was written by ACET- Global and is in the category Education at GoPetition.