- Target:
- Pearl Jam Management/Ten Club
- Region:
Dear Ten Club/ Pearl Jam management.
This is not an easy thing to do, but you have left us, your fans, with no other choice than to have our voices heard in unison, to alert you to the seriousness of our frustration, and downright anger, with your services at Ten Club.
We are all faithful fans who continuously give you our hard earned money so we can get the benefits of the Ten Club.
If you are not aware, the reason why most people join the fan club is to be able purchase tickets for shows to see the band live. The fan club single, and the occasional newsletter is nice, even though it is called a Xmas single, and well we all know, that calling it that, is a little bit silly now, isn't it? This is no big deal though, as most of us fans out there are appreciative of the band putting out singles for us to listen to, and we know, it's kind of a joke, wink wink, at calling it a Xmas single.
The reason why this has come to this point is after years of knowing that anytime there was any news about the band, the Pearl Jam board and Ten club site would crash, it has finally reached the point of us as a collective, saying, NO MORE!
There may be many fans of the band who do not ever use the internet as a way of finding out about shows, or getting tickets to see these shows, but if that is the case, they did not join the fan club for the same reasons so many of us did. This is not about if we did or did not get tickets to the Phili show, which went on sale today August 1st.
What it is about, is the demand from each of us who will sign this, to have a message board that works for the fans. One that alerts us to news when we need to know it, and more importantly a ticketing site that works fairly, and properly when shows are being sold.
Surely you understand the demand for tickets from us members. We deserve to have our purchasing options run as smoothly as possible for the fees we pay.
I know the band may not be aware of just how big their fan base with internet access is, but they should be. A system set up like this Philadelphia buy will just not work. We are sure that the people who work at Ten Club do their jobs to the best of their ability, and they deserve to be paid for doing so. In saying that, you should know in the last two years our membership fees have been raised twice, again we understand and have no problem with that, it's part of life that fees will eventually be raised.
However in understanding this fact, we all hoped the problems of the past would be solved with the flow of more revenue being raised, instead it seems you are going backwards in your service. In doing this we thought it was the only thing the fans could do, to try and make things better for everyone.
Please alert the band to this problem, if they don't know, they should, if they don't care once they find out, then we as their loyal fans are maybe not the sharpest tools in the shed for being so, but that is a road to be crossed at another time.
Again, this was not an easy thing to do, we love the music the band creates, we appreciate all they do for us, but action is needed to correct the many problems that are associated with Ten Club and the overall Pearl Jam online experience. We all hope you take this seriously, and work to fix the problems and make this a painful, but forgotten memory.
Please use our extra 5 dollars to either hire more capable people to work on the sites, or better yet, find a server that can deal with the demand that is placed on yours, anytime anything is happening in Pearl Jam land.
We see your post, and that is a start to a better future, but we are going through with this petition, because honestly, we have seen repeated messages in the past about promised improvements in the Pearl Jam/Tenclub sites functioning better, and have seen the evidence lacking of that ever occuring.
Thank You for reading this, we sincerely hope this is the beginning of something better for everyone.
We, the undersigned, wish to alert you to the seriousness of our frustration, and downright anger, with your services at Ten Club. We want to see the promised improvements for the Pearl Jam/Ten club sites functioning better.
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The Improve services at Ten Club/Pearl Jam sites petition to Pearl Jam Management/Ten Club was written by Pearl Jam Fans and is in the category Music at GoPetition.