#Human Rights
President of the Democratic Republic of Congo
D.R. of the Congo

This letter will be sent to Embassy of Italy in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

You can add your signature to letter through this petition.

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Dear Ambassador,
We would like to take this opportunity to draw your attention to the serious living conditions of the detainees in the Makala - Kinshasa prison.
Makala Penitentiary built for a maximum capacity of 1,500 inmates, currently houses over 9,000.
The serious condition of the detainees was denounced by the Association congolaise pour l’accès à la justice (ACAJ) which reaffirms the serious conditions of life inside the prison of men, women, minors, sick people and political prisoners. Prisoners forced to live in dilapidated cells, and in the absence of sanitary facilities.
Situation that has worsened with the Coronavirus emergency, which in overcrowded prisons can become lethal.
We ask for strong diplomatic pressure to support the most vulnerable people inside the prison.
We demand respect for human rights in a place where a human being can also starve to death. A reality that particularly upsets and concerns us.
We ask for a clear and focused dialogue to urge the government for adequate health care, immediate medical treatment, and greater respect for the living conditions of men, women, and children to create places up to international standards.
Thanking you in advance for your time on this important and urgent matter.

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The Immediate support for the inmates of Makala prison – Kinshasa petition to President of the Democratic Republic of Congo was written by Mariacarmela Ribecco and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

congo kinshasa Makala. prison