#Human Rights
King of Bahrain, FIA, Embassy, OHCHR, Nils Muinieks, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bahrain

This letter will be sent to the King of Bahrain.

You can add your signature to letter through this petition.

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Your Majesty,

We would like to take the opportunity to call your attention to the case of activists of Bahrain Hassan Mshaima’, Abdelwahab Hussain, Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja, Abdel-Jalil al-Singace, Mohammad Habib al-Miqdad, Abdel-Jalil al-Miqdad, Sa’eed Mirza al-Nuri, Mohammad Hassan Jawwad, Mohammad Ali Ridha Isma’il, Abdullah al-Mahroos, Abdul-Hadi Abdullah Hassan al-Mukhodher, Ebrahim Sharif, Salah Abdullah Hubail al-Khawaja, Jalila al-Salman, Mahdi 'Issa Mahdi Abu Dheeb, Naji Fateel, Ahmed Mohammed Saleh AlArab, Mansoor Ali Mansoor AlJamri and Hussain AlGhasrah that are the object of our deepest concern.

We turn to you to ask for support in this our cause. These 19 innocent people have been wrongly convicted. They were arrested and removed from their families without dignity and respect for their rights as citizens. They did not receive a fair trial. They could not meet with their lawyers and have suffered physical and psychological torture.

We demand the immediate and unconditional release of these innocent citizens illegally detained in prisons of Bahrain.

Thank you for your attention.

The Immediate release of nineteen innocent activists of the Bahrain petition to King of Bahrain, FIA, Embassy, OHCHR, Nils Muinieks, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bahrain was written by Mariacarmela Ribecco and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

innocent activist Bahrain