- Target:
- ICTY International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia - Hague
- Region:
- Website:
- www.croradio.net
this petition is closed
Whereas Carla Del Ponte failed to indict top ranking Serbian/Yugoslav National Army (JNA) officials who were responsible for heinous war crimes in Vukovar, Croatia; instead, Del Ponte only focused on the town of Ovcari and JNA officers Mrksic, who was sentenced to 20 years, Sljivancanin, sentenced 5 years and Radic who was acquitted altogether.
These pathetic and meaningless verdicts show the ICTY's bias and political agenda which is clearly not in the interest of any justice.
Whereas the appropriate measures need to be undertaken by the ICTY to correct these unjust verdicts given to Mrksic, Sljivancanin and Radic as quickly as possible.
Carli del Ponte nije bilo za cilj osuditi najvise rangirane oficire bivse JNA tj tada vec srpske voske koji su odgovorni za najvece i najgnusnije zlocine pocinjene u Vukovaru,Hrvatska. Umjesto toga del Ponte se fokusirala samo na zlocine pocinjene u Ovcari tako da su oficiri JNA Mrksic, kaznjen sa 20 godina zatvora,Sljivancanin samo 5 godina a Radic je oslobodjen optuzbi.
Ove sramotne presude pokazuju koliko je MKS za bivsu Jugoslaviju politicki sud i da nije u sluzbi pravde. Zbog toga je potrebno poduzeti energicne mjere kojima cemo ispraviti nepravdu haaskog tribunala tako da se pravedno kazne naredbodavci zlocina poceinjenih u Vukovaru i okolici

Mi potpisnici-gradjani svijeta zahtjevamo da se energicno poduzmu sve mjere koje su potrebne kod Ujedinjenih naroda i MKS u Haagu od strane Predsjednika Stipe Mesica i premijera Ive Sanadera kako bi se ispravila nepravedna presuda Mrksicu,Sljivancaninu i Radicu
We the undersigned citizens of the world demand the appropriate measures need to be undertaken by the United Nations and the ICTY, President Stipe Mesic and Premier Ivo Sanader to correct these unjust verdicts given to Mrksic, Sljivancanin and Radic as quickly as possible.
The ICTY Verdicts for Ovcari, Vukovar, Croatia Unjust and Unfair petition to ICTY International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia - Hague was written by Ivica Fonti and is in the category Politics at GoPetition.