HORROR - In Bistrita - Romania - Slaughter house for strays
- Mira Iordanescu ARPDA - ANIMCORD
- Closed on

- Target:
- Mayor of Bistrita, Consiliul si Prefectura judetului Bistrita Nasaud, autoritati nationale romana
- Region:
Thanks to everyone who signed and supported this campaign
The petition will be delivered to its target !
Thank you all and God Bless you all !
It has come to our knowledge that , again, in Bistrita, strays are massacred by the hundreds with the full co-operation of the local authorities....
Romania is the worst country in Europe when it comes to the protection of animals...The most horrifying and barbaric acts of cruelty are covered up by authorities, condoned and even incited to by authorities.
Contracts with high amounts of money are signed with companies who violate the law for the protection of animals ...Many elected officials "make" the law in their cities with complete disregard for the Romanian Laws.
Killing of strays has become an "Eldorado" for many and this might be the reason, authorities do not want a national spay/neuter program.
This has to stop...
http://www.gazetadebistrita.ro/citeste/2078 (Viata de caine prin grija angajatilor Primariei Bistrita)
http://www.gazetadebistrita.ro/citeste/1383 (Adăpostul pentru câini al Primăriei Bistriţa – lagăr de exterminare)
http://www.gazetadebistrita.ro/citeste/1978 (“Vecineee! …Imi dai si mie o semnatura pentru caine?”)
To whom it may concern, Romanian authorities:
We the undersigned have been again faced with atrocities committed against animals in Romania.... in Bistrita ...
We ask the Romanian authorities to immediately investigate the activities of the mayor of Bistrita, of the company PROTAN and their involvement in the killing of thousands of strays.
Romania has become notorious for her barbaric treatment of animals and the flagrant violation of her own law for the protection of animals.
It appears that Romania, although member of the EU, totally ignores the international treaties and conventions signed, ratified and entered into force.
We, citizens of the world ask Romanian authorities to review their position on this issue, to fully implement and apply the law and to punish those who committed crimes against animals.
The HORROR - In Bistrita - Romania - Slaughter house for strays petition to Mayor of Bistrita, Consiliul si Prefectura judetului Bistrita Nasaud, autoritati nationale romana was written by Mira Iordanescu ARPDA - ANIMCORD and is in the category Animal Rights at GoPetition.