- Target:
- New York Times
- Region:
- United States of America
The way People in Democracies think of the Government as something different from themselves is a real handicap. And, of course, sometimes the Government confirms their opinion.
The enactment of a Federal Budget is a primary function of Congress. If Congress is unable to preform this function, they are indeed unfit to hold their position in Government.
Ideologies should not trump Congressional Responsibilities.
Americans want to hold Congress responsible for their actions and call for an amendment to the Constitution that would make it UNLAWFUL FOR ANY VOTING CONGRESSMAN TO MAKE AN INCUMBENT RE-ELECTION BID and would keep ALL OF VOTING CONGRESSMEN FROM RUNNING FOR ANY GOVERNMENT POSITION FOR 6 YEARS if Congress is unable to pass a Federal Budget.
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The Hold Congress Responsible for Their Actions petition to New York Times was written by Benjamin Simpson and is in the category Government at GoPetition.