#City & Town Planning
Department of Local Government, Sports, Cultural Industries WA

The Nostalgia Box (Australia's only Retro Video Game Console and Museum) is applying for a liquor license so we can sell alcoholic drinks at our events. As part of the application process we need to show evidence to support that the application is in the public interest and is supported by the community. Given the nature of what we plan to do and the limited time alcohol will be available (only for private 18+ events) we believe showing a petition of signatures supporting our goal should be enough. If you love what we do and would love to help out The Nostalgia Box, please sign below

We, the undersigned, support The Nostalgia Box obtaining a liquor license for it's premises for private 18+ events and after hours gaming sessions.

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The Help The Nostalgia Box Apply For A Liquor License petition to Department of Local Government, Sports, Cultural Industries WA was written by David Green and is in the category City & Town Planning at GoPetition.