#Neighborhood Living
The President of the United States of America
United States of America

Some of Milwaukee crime percentages are:
Murder total for national is 103. Milwaukee has around 17.7 percent. The Nation has around 7 percent. Robberies National are around 3,608. Milwaukee has 621 percent. National is 205.8. Aggravated Assaults are national 3,875. Milwaukee is at 666.9 percent, national 33.6.

We, the undersigned call on the President of the United States to help Alonzo L Jackson eliminate Gang activity in Milwaukee, WI.

By giving proper resources such as getting youth involved in cleaning up our community, getting them back in school, counseling and any other programs - these can help. There are a lot of old buildings in the community that we can restore for this project.

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The Help me get gangs off the streets of Milwaukee, WI petition to The President of the United States of America was written by Alonzo Jackson and is in the category Neighborhood Living at GoPetition.