- Target:
- ABC's Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
- Region:
- United States of America
Jaden Lee Shreve was born on June 20, 2006 with a very rare genetics disorder called Osteogenesis Imperfecta or "Brittle Bone Disease".
When in utero hundreds of fractures to his bones were present on a 3D ultrasound. I remember very clearly the doctors just looking at me with a strange un identified look as they were performing the ultrasound. The doctor finished wiped my belly off and said I will be right back. Next thing I know they were calling me into their genetic counselors office where they had pulled out these huge medical books to actually look this up in. They stated to me that my child had OI and that he appears to have the worst form of it Type II.
I was then told that he would only survive for a 10 minute period of time if he was not born stillborn due to the severity of his fractures that were already present. So a month went by and I went into labor. I delivered Jaden and he made it through a regular delivery when he was a scheduled C-section that just never made it there in time.
Days went on and on with the doctors looking at me crazily in confusion of not knowing what to do with my child because they had not seen a case of OI in 15 years. Jaden began to have respiratory problems which led to a tracheostomy surgery in August. Then feeding issues which led to a G-tube surgery in September.
Finally, in October when Jaden was 4 months old they allowed him to come home. Jaden was home for 1 month and then caught pneumonia causing us to go in for another long hospital stay. This time doctors yet again told me that my child was going to die.
So I flew off the handle and went up in a rage and stormed out of the meeting room that we were in. Jaden had already beat all the odds that they said that he wouldn't and I just was not trying to hear anything negative towards him that they had to say. Needless to say he was completely alert, awake, active, and happy. Time passed and 3 months later Jaden was then again released to come back home. This time he came with much more work than he did the first time. He is now a trach, g-tube, and ventilator dependent child due to restrictive lung disease.
With all the new equipment Jaden is running out of room in his bedroom. Which is making it hard to allow it to be a comfortable enviornment for himself as well as his nurses. His everyday normal functions are the same as a perfectly normal child. Even though inside I know that he is truely a very sick one. He is a very happy baby and truely has a wonderful personality to make you seem as if nothing is even wrong with him other than the visible ventilator tubing. He loves his family ecspecially his 2 brothers and 1 sister.
They truely light up his eyes when he sees them. He is now approaching his 1 year old birthday on June 20th and it is going to be a very big milestone for him. He has been through so much for such a little person. He remains strong with the faith from God, Myself, and his grandmother. He has a plan to continue his fight and blessing us with his cute little face.
Please help us to make a bigger, safer enviorment for Jaden to live in. He is truely a miracle child and with the better enviornment I believe that we will be able to keep him home longer so he can enjoy his time with his family. So help make the miracle come true for a miracle touched family!!!!
Thanks to any and all signers of this petition. Your extended help to our family is greatly appreciated!
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The Help make a miracle for a miracle touched family petition to ABC's Extreme Makeover: Home Edition was written by Judy Shreve and is in the category Youth at GoPetition.