- Target:
- relevant government authorities
- Region:
- Canada
There are currently 424 people waiting for organs in British Columbia alone. Every year people die waiting for an organ. THe society right now does not accept direct donations and/or anonymous donations and I want to ask the governement to change that so long distance relatives/strangers can help patients get off the waiting lists and help them to continue healthier lives with their families.
Direct/Anonymous/Stranger Organ Donations should be allowed in Canada as it will save the government thousands of dollars and put more people off the waiting lists. There should be more awareness in the public such as t.v. commercials, news programs, tv interviews, flyers given out in newspapers, schools, doctor's offices, and even in funeral homes. Society should be aware of the growing number of people on waiting lists. If government allows for more stranger donations then we will save more lives hence saving thousands dollars that go into patient treatments. Sign up and help people get off the waiting lists.
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The Help get more people off the waiting lists for organs petition to relevant government authorities was written by Preet Gill and is in the category Health at GoPetition.