#City & Town Planning
Hartland Village Board and the Park and Recreation Board
United States of America

The Village of Hartland has begun the process of validating their belief that the Village needs a Community Center, using property tax dollars to pay for it. To date, they have already approved $55,000 of our tax dollars to jump start this project, with a Feasibility Survey. Similar Community Center’s, in southeastern Wisconsin, have been built at a cost of over $6 million.

Hartland Citizens for Responsible Government Spending (H.C.R.G.S.) is a group of Hartland residents who are concerned with how our elected Village Board members plan to use our property tax dollars. We believe that that the Village has made efforts to keep the building of a new Community Center “under the radar” so residents won't question who is going to pay the bill. Our goal is shine a light on what our elected Village Board Members are planning to do with our tax dollars.

We want to ensure that all residents are kept informed and feel like they have a place to voice concerns. During these tough economic times when we are all feeling the pinch it is irresponsible to even consider spending a single dime of taxpayers money for lavish items, such as a new Community Center.

We, the undersigned Village of Hartland Residents are opposed to spending any tax dollars for an indoor park and recreation center.

This includes spending money for out of state consultants and research.

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The Harland Citizens for Responsible Government Spending petition to Hartland Village Board and the Park and Recreation Board was written by Anne Ganz and is in the category City & Town Planning at GoPetition.

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wi Hartland