Grande Prairie Alberta Petition to change Animal Bylaw so its not breed specific

- Target:
- Mayor and Council members, Animal Enforcement, Program Director of Grande Prairie AB
- Region:
- Canada
The effects of BSL on public safety are seriously understudied, especially by the scientific community.
News media frequently misidentifies breeds and types of dogs.
To date, there are no scientific studies anywhere that confirm BSL or breed bans have had a significant positive effect on public safety.
Cities and Municipalities are now starting to review and change the BSL realizing that it doesn’t solve the problem.
Innocent people continue to be threatened, bitten, traumatized, disfigured, and killed—by non-targeted breeds and types of dogs.
Innocent dogs are killed because they look a certain way. Abusive and irresponsible owners carry on mistreating these dogs; while the good owners and their families are judged because they own a certain dog or devastated because they have had to give their dog up.
Nobody learns anything about the real reasons why dogs bite and attack, safety around dogs, or responsible dog ownership.
Breed-specific legislation makes victims of us all. Just because your breed isn’t on the list yet doesn’t mean it couldn’t be in the near future.
BSL does nothing to address the root of the problem - irresponsible dog ownership. It punishes the responsible dog owners. Bad owners simply move onto other breeds when their breed is banned. To assume that by removing "pit bulls" from a community without addressing irresponsible owners makes any community safer is naive. Rather, breed bans simply give residents a false sense of security as the true dangerous dogs still remain in the community with their irresponsible owners.
Any dog can bite – Any dog can be made aggressive and be trained to attack.
Petition: To change Bylaw C-989 1.33 “Restricted Dog”
Dog Discrimination (BSL) and to the responsible citizens of Grande Prairie, Alberta
I sit here writing to you all, in hopes that we together as a community can help the dogs that have been unjustly labeled as “vicious or restricted” to have a better life. I believe that every dog has the right to be innocent and not guilty just because they fall under a particular breed. (Bylaw written Nov 23rd, 1998)
I find this bylaw to be unfair and prejudiced and I’m asking that the City of Grande Prairie rewrite this bylaw in order to help the responsible owners and hold the irresponsible owners more accountable.
By signing this petition you are agreeing that the City of Grande Prairie needs to revamp this section and to change it so “Vicious Animal” means any Animal of any age, species or breed, not breed specific that causes harm to another animal or person.
I sincerely thank all of you who support this and hope together we can make a difference in an animal’s life.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Grande Prairie Alberta Petition to change Animal Bylaw so its not breed specific petition to Mayor and Council members, Animal Enforcement, Program Director of Grande Prairie AB was written by Anonymous and is in the category Animal Rights at GoPetition.