Canadian Television Networks

This petition is to support the television show Charmed and prove to the Canadian television networks that they should reconsider their decision of not putting Charmed Season 8 in their fall 2005 line up.

Charmed is a successful show that has been running for 7 years. The 7th was threatened to be the last, but the hard work of faithful fans who got together and pleaded with the WB Network, got us an 8th season. Unfortunately recent news has been released that NONE of the Canadian networks have included Charmed's 8th season in the fall line ups.

This petition will show that there are MANY fans who live in Canada are unable to see the 8th season. Its unfair to these fans that've grown to love the show over the past 7 years, and have been anticipating this. Being that the 8th season could quite possibly be the last, it is vital that the networks give Canadian fans the opportunity to see the end of the show.

Please consider the fans who have taken the time to sign this petition as they are the viewers of not only Charmed but the other shows on your network. Keep your network's fans happy by allowing them to see the last season of their beloved show.

To whom is may concern.
Please consider the fans who have taken the time to sign this petition as they are the viewers of not only Charmed but the other shows on your network. Keep your network's fans happy by allowing them to see the 8th & perhaps last season of their beloved show.

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The Get Charmed in Canada petition to Canadian Television Networks was written by Kimmy and is in the category Television at GoPetition.

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