#Human Rights
HM The Queen, The Lord Chancellor, The Attorney General, Parliament
United Kingdom

Norman Scarth, born 1925, is a World War II navy and arctic convoy veteran. After he experienced imprisonment and even a psychiatric clinic in his 70s, he became a human rights activist - as many other Victims of White Collar Crimes.

As such he supported a defendant in Bradford Crown Court on 25 July 2011 and switched his audio recording device on, before he could get round to ask the Judge. Previously, such requests were granted to him by Lord Woolf due to him being hard of hearing.

A support worker reported him and he was taken away with very tight handcuffs. After the hearing he issued an apology via the court-appointed barrister and was sentenced the next day: six months and one year ban from entering court premises. A detailed report from a co-supporter is here.

However, the punishment does not fit the crime or the person, and the law enforcement agencies are inappropriately harsh without even following their own rules:

* he is in a prison for serious offenders
* his complaints are not actioned upon
* he does not receive his prescribed medication
* he is in solitary confinement that he defines as hell
* he has great difficulty in getting a sheet of paper
* he is allowed a visit every 2 days, if you call 0113 203 2995.

A demo took place outside Leeds Prison and moved to the War Memorial on Saturday 13 August. Justice for Norman Scarth is the campaign blog to free Prisoner A1903CF.

You can email Norman's MP Marsha Singh and ask that he writes to the Lord Chancellor to release Norman on compassionate grounds.

You can use Email a Prisoner quoting that number and you can phone the Prison Governor Paul Baker on 0113 203 2600. To book a visit, please call 0113 203 2995. He's allowed a visit every 2 days, without a need for a 'visiting order'.

You can use this online news release and twitter @FreeNorman, #FreeNorman and #FreeNormanScarth to make Norman Scarth a household name that stands for justice and human rights in courts.

Marvellous comments and an Executive Summary were collated from a comment analysis to distribute as "the voice of the Great General Public" in the "Court of Public Opinion", "a Jury of Signers" and "Advocates of the Public Interest". They are updated continuously.

Here are the "reasons for decision" about three refusals on August 25th. The appeal hearing will be on Friday, 9 September at the Royal Courts of Justice in London in Court 5 at 10.30am.

Please send the news release and / or executive summary to your MPs asking them to send them to the Ministry of Justice - as evidence by "We, the Jury of Petition Signers"!

PS. 100,000 signatures could give us a debate in Parliament and please consider signing Abolish the ban on recording court proceedings!

PPS. Please note that Sky News are trying to get cameras into court!

And today, 9 September 2011, he got freed - THANKS to public interest and a campaign of many levels - largely due only to the internet!

We, the undersigned, request that Norman Scarth be released immediately - whether by Pardon by HM The Queen as he has asked himself, or by any other procedure HM's Justice Ministries are capable of.

Given the public interest evidenced by this petition, the Secretary of State, The Rt Hon Kenneth Clarke QC MP, should overrule Judge Rose's judgement on compassionate grounds at the next hearing on 25 August 2011.

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The Free WWII Veteran Norman Scarth from Leeds Prison petition to HM The Queen, The Lord Chancellor, The Attorney General, Parliament was written by Association of McKenzie Friends and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.