- Target:
- Ryan Tucker
- Region:
- United States of America
Ryan Tucker now 29 years old went from an abusive home to prison with no stops in between, he also suffers with epilepsy, has a brain tumor and has had his skull sliced into by a metal fan blade, he depends on medication to survive each day but he also needs therapy to help his rehabilitation.
Returning to prison will not help him become a better citizen, it will destroy the true man inside.
Ryan Tucker now 29 years old went from an abusive home to prison with no stops in between, he also suffers with epilepsy, has a brain tumor and has had his skull sliced into by a metal fan blade, he depends on medication to survive each day but he also needs therapy to help his rehabilitation.
Ryan went to prison at the age of 17, served his time, but fell into the horrible economic trap upon his release. He was an arrogant, stupid and stubborn teenager, basically a typical teenager. Ryan learned the hard way that you do the crime you do the time. He came home 2 weeks before Christmas 2008, was given a month supply of his medication and told to go behave yourself. It took 6 weeks and 7 seizures after he was release to get his prescription renewed, which unfortunately left him in a mental state that was not his true self. Finally he was scheduled to go to counseling but that appointment was April 20, 2009 a week to late, he got lost within his own neurological system and turned back to the past. Ryan now sits in Duval County Jail looking at a future that will not save him. Help me save him by bringing him home and getting Ryan the true help he needs and deserves. Please sign this petition to have Ryan’s probation reinstated and NOT incarcerated.
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The Free Ryan Tucker petition to Ryan Tucker was written by Jaime and is in the category Miscellaneous at GoPetition.