#Human Rights
IRI Judiciary, EU, Amnesty, Ban Ki-Moon, Amnesty, hmed shaheed

Rasoul Herdani was 15 years old when he was arrested with his older brother Khaled involving in an airplaine hijack.

The detainees confessed that hijacking the air craft was because of poverty and inadequate living conditions.

Later on a well known Iranian director “Ebrahim Hatami Kia” made a movie about their story.

Now it has been more than 14 years that Rasoul has been in prison.

رسول حردانی که در سن ۱۵ سالگی در سال ۱۳۷۹ در پی یک هواپیماربایی خانوادگی بازداشت شد، اکنون بیش از ۱۴ سال است که در زندان بسر می‌برد.

این هواپیماربایی که بعد‌ها به موضوع فیلم مشهوری از کارگردان صاحب نام ایرانی (ابراهیم حاتمی‌کیا)، تبدیل شد؛ بنا به اعتراف بازداشت‌شدگان، به دلیل فقر مالی و شرایط نامناسب زندگی صورت گرفته بود.

We, the undersigned, request that Iranian authorizes immediately and unconditionally release prisoner of conscience Rasoul Herdani and ask the office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to follow up his case with Iranian authorities to ensure that while still in prison, he benefits from all rights guaranteed to him under Iranian and international law.

We, the undersigned, further urge the Iranian authorities to take solid steps in improving its human rights record and its international image, by releasing all political prisoners and observing the human rights of all those currently in prison for crimes of conscience.

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The Free Rasoul Herdani رسول حردانی petition to IRI Judiciary, EU, Amnesty, Ban Ki-Moon, Amnesty, hmed shaheed was written by mariam and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.