#Roads & Transport
Lingo 24 RO hub employees

The parking lot has underwent lots of managerial decisions. I think that this limbo stage it's in right now, a stage that demands payment for something that should be free and is free just about anywhere else.

I've yet to hear a good enough reason as to why we have to pay for it. We don't even cover 10% of what the lot is actually worth (monthly), so why pay at all? Surely we've earned our right to park here for free.

Our parking lot should be FREE!

I haven't heard a good enough reason as to why it is not. All companies offer free parking for their hard working employees, we should do the same! The monthly fee we have to pay doesn't even amount to 10% of what the parking actually costs monthly ( a cost that is already covered by Lingo).

We deserve this.

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The FREE PARKING AT LINGOPLEX petition to Lingo 24 RO hub employees was written by Vlad Zvoristeanu and is in the category Roads & Transport at GoPetition.

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