- Target:
- Ahmed Shaheed, UN, UNHCHR, State Department, EU, Navi Pillay, Ban Ki-Moon, European Parliament
- Region:
- Website:
- www.irandailybrief.com
Masoud Hosseinzadeh is an engineer and civic activist of the Azeri minority in Iran. Previously he had been one of the leading Azeri student activists.
Masoud was arrested on July 9, 2012 by security forces in front of his home, after they beat him very violently. He then spent 70 days in temporary detention at the Intelligence Ministry detention centre in Tabriz.
Information which leaked out of jail indicated that his physical condition had deteriorated significantly. The ban on phone conversations with his relatives only worsened his family's concerns.
In October 2012, Masoud was sentenced to two years in prison by Branch One of Tabriz Revolutionary Court charged with "Propaganda against the regime" and "Insulting the Supreme Leader".
We the undersigned demand that the international community bring all possible pressure to bear upon the Islamic Republic of Iran to IMMEDIATELY and UNCONDTIONALLY release Iranian Azeri civic activist Masoud Hosseinzadeh, rescind the sentece imposed upon him and vacate all charges brought against him.
Masoud Hosseinzadeh is a prisoner of conscience arrested soley for his peaceful civic activism, being held hostage by a regime which has become notorious not only for its persecution of civic activists but also for its ill treatment of ethnic minorities.
Thus his continued incarceration is illegal and constitutes a crime under both the International Covenant On Civil And Political Rights--to which Iran is a signatory state--as well as Article 24 of the Iranian Constitution.
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The Free Masoud Hosseinzadeh, Iranian-Azeri Civic Activist petition to Ahmed Shaheed, UN, UNHCHR, State Department, EU, Navi Pillay, Ban Ki-Moon, European Parliament was written by John S. Burke and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.