#Human Rights
Head of the Judiciary in Iran, Supreme Leader, Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Iran, UN,

Farshid Naseri , 26, was arrested on November 89 , He spent 18 months in solitary confinement in Sanandaj Intelligence prison. He was charge of supporting the Salafi groups and was sentenced to death, While he denied all charges during the proceedings.

فرشید ناصری ٢٦ ساله از آبان‌ماه ٨٩ که بازداشت شد تا ١٨ ماه را در سلول انفرادی اداره‌ی اطلاعات سنندج سپری نمود
فرشید ناصری اتهام محاربه از طریق هواداری از گروههای سلفی به اعدام محکوم شد. در حالی که ایشان در تمام طول دادرسی اتهام فوق را رد کرده و معتقدعلت بازداشت و صدور حکم اعدام برایش بدلیل تبلیغ شریعت اسلام بوده است.

- Farshid Naseri must be immediately and unconditionally released;

- The Iranian government must abide by international human rights laws as stated in the UN Charter, of which Iran is a state signatory;

- We petition for the release of all political prisoners.

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The Free Farshid Naseri فرشید ناصری petition to Head of the Judiciary in Iran, Supreme Leader, Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Iran, UN, was written by mariam and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

justice prison Iran suni