#Human Rights
UN, Ban ki-Moon, OHCHR, Navi Pillay, Ahmed Shaheed, State Department, EU, European Parliament

March 7, 2015 – Mr. Faribourz Baghi reported to prison in Yazd on March 7, in response to a summons sent through his bail guarantor.

According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency in Iran (HRANA), he is to serve a 2-year term (previously reported as 3 years in prison and 1 year suspended), on charges of acting against national security and propaganda against the regime.

He is one of 20 Bahais who were arrested in central Iran in August 2012, and the sixth of this group to begin their prison terms.

WHEREAS: Faribourz Baghi is imprisoned for two years for no other "crime" than peacefully practicing his Baha'i faith;

AND WHEREAS: He is therefore a prisoner of conscience whose imprisonment is ILLEGAL under Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (to which Iran is a signatory)

THEREFORE: We, the undersigned, demand that the international community bring all possible pressure to bear upon the Islamic Republic of Iran to IMMEDIATELY and UNCONDITIONALLY release Faribourz Baghi, rescind the charges against him and all other twenty peaceful practicioners of the Baha'i religous faith involved in this case, and free ALL prisoners of conscience in Iran!

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The Free Faribourz Baghi, Serving Two Years In Prison For His Bahai Faith In Iran petition to UN, Ban ki-Moon, OHCHR, Navi Pillay, Ahmed Shaheed, State Department, EU, European Parliament was written by John S. Burke and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

bahai Faribourz Baghi