US government
United States of America

The importance of drinking water for human health cannot be overestimated. At the same time, however surprising it may sound, many people do not have free access to clean water or it is very limited. In most cases, to quench thirst, you have to pay for drinking water, which has become the norm in our lives. Many corporations have built businesses on the sale of ordinary drinking water. We think it is wrong. Every person should have free access to the water resources of our planet.

That is why we call on the government to develop and implement a program on free access of people to clean drinking water, which would include building pump rooms, creating points with free drinking water on the streets of cities, tanning water dispensers in public and private institutions, supermarkets, educational institutions. We ask everyone who is concerned about drinking water to support our petition.

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The Free drinking water for everyone petition to US government was written by Jim Powell and is in the category Health at GoPetition.