- Target:
- Mauritanian Embassy in Washington, DC and US State Department
- Region:
Dear All,
We are writing to announce the release of Mr. Biram Ould Abeid, leader the anti-slavery movement and his colleagues by presidential pardon on February 15, 2011. They were sentenced on January 7th, 2011 for protesting against the enslavement of two young Haratine girls. Their liberation is the direct outcome of your active participation in the international campaign to put pressure on Mauritanian government to end their arbitrarily imprisonment. It is worth mentioning that the campaign was widely publicized. It received support from nationals and residents from as many as 20 countries around the world. They include: USA, UK, Australia, Austria, Mauritania, Senegal, Ivory Coast Uganda, Haiti, Honduras, Kenya, France, Switzerland, Belarus, Russia, Canada, Germany, Italy, Albania and Norway.
Their liberation is an important step in our struggle to achieve social justice in Mauritania where slavery and racial discrimination are unfortunately still commonplace.
We would like to seize this occasion to present you our heartfelt thanks you for kindly supporting the campaign.
Nous vous écrivons pour annoncer la libération de M. Biram Ould Abeid, leader du mouvement anti-esclavagiste et de ses collègues par une grace presidentielle le 15 Fevrier 2011. Ils etaient condamnés le 07 Janvier, 2011 pour avoir protester contre l asservissement de deux jeunes filles Haratine. Leur libération est le résultat direct de votre participation active à la campagne internationale pour faire pression sur le gouvernement mauritanien en vue de mettre fin à leur emprisonement arbitraire. Il est à noter que la campagne a été largement médiatisée. Elle a reçu le soutien des ressortissants et des résidents de 20 pays à travers le monde. Ils comprennent: USA, Grande-Bretagne, Australie, Autriche, Mauritanie, Sénégal, Côte-d'Ivoire, Ouganda, Haïti, Honduras, Kenya, France, Suisse, Bélarus, Russie, Canada, Allemagne, Italie, Albanie et Norvège.
Leur libération est une étape importante dans notre lutte pour atteindre la justice sociale en Mauritanie où l'esclavage et la discrimination raciale sont encore malheureusement monnaie courante.
Nous aimerions saisir cette occasion pour vous presenter nos sinceres remerciements pour avoir genereusement soutenu campagne ..
Aboubacrine NDiom, President, Mauritanian Community Association, USA
Bakary Tandia, Co-Chair Africa Peace Tour, USA
English Version
Free the Anti-slavery Activists
On January 07, 2011, the Initiative for the Resurgence of the Abolitionist Movement in Mauritania ( IRA ) has released a statement announcing the sentencing of Biram Ould Abeid, leader of the organization and two others to six months in prison. Three others received suspended sentences of six months. Based on fabricated charges, the sentences are solely meant to prevent human rights activists from defending victims of slavery.
Arbitrarily arrested and mistreated on December 13, 2010 while trying to free two young girls 10 and 14 held as slaves, the anti-slaves activists have sentenced by the Mauritanian court on false charges that they had assaulted the police.
French Version
Liberez les Activists Anti-esclavagists
Le 07 Janvier 2011, l’ Initiative de Resurgence du Mouvement Abolitioniste en Mauritanie (IRA), a publié un communiqué annonçant la condamnation de Biram Ould Abeid, leader de l'organisation et deux autres à six mois de prison. Trois autres ont reçu des peines de six mois avec sursis. Basees sur de fausses accusations, les condamnations visent uniquement à empêcher les militants des droits de l’homme a défendre les victimes de l'esclavage.
Arbitrairement arretes and maltraites le 13 Decembre pendant qu’ ils cherchaient a liberer deux jeunes filles agees de 10 et 14 ans in situation d’ esclavage, les activistes anti-esclavagistes ont ete condamnes par la justice mauritanienne sous de fausses accusations d’ avoir agresse la police.
Join the campaign to free anti-slavery activists by signing the petition.
Joignez a la campagne pour liberer les detenus en signing la petition.
The Free Anti-slavery Activists petition to Mauritanian Embassy in Washington, DC and US State Department was written by Bakary Tandia and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.