#Arts & Entertainment
TCW Wrestling

On July 6th, 2013 professional wrestler Titan launched fellow performer "Mr. Saturday Night" Michael Barry carelessly and without concern for his well being off the top rope through a table effectively sidelining him and preventing him from making a living and performing.

Accidents happen in the wrestling ring but Titan has a track record of being careless with individuals to a malice degree. Examples being injuring former WWE star Michael Tarver (who's had his WWE career detoured by similar malice from John Cena) in a TCW ring and concussing him. Further examples include Lars earlier this year with undisclosed back issues as well.

Wrestling is supposed to be a brotherhood and this individual clearly has no concern for his fellow persons and only cares about the furtherment of his own opportunities. For this we wish for TCW to no longer use this individual for the safety of other wrestlers and so fans do not have to witness further accidents.

We the undersigned in request for the safety of all other brotherhood of professional wrestlers, saftey and wellbeing of performers request Traditional Championship Wrestling (TCW) remove "Titan" from the roster immediately.

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The Fire TCW Wrestler Titan petition to TCW Wrestling was written by IWC United and is in the category Arts & Entertainment at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

wrestling WWE TNA TCW